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I decided to get an intuitive reading from Kelli, so I could confirm some decisions and find closure in areas of my life. I did not know what to expect but was pleased with the experience. Kelli was on target. She also provided a private and relaxed environment for the reading. I felt safe to share information with her.

I had a big laugh during the reading. Kelli told me that my guide suggested that I make a game of following my purpose, in order to overcome analysis paralysis. I laughed when I thought about how the playfulness oracle card showed up in a spread I pulled earlier at home.  It even “jumped” out of my deck at one time. So there was no doubt that my guide wanted to make it clear to me that I should have more fun.

Kelli was great at explaining the information provided by my guide. She painted clear pictures. Since I am a numbers person, it was interesting how my guide used numbers to express information. At one point, I wanted Kelli to ask my guide a question. She made me aware that my guide could hear me so I should ask the question myself. Kelli even provided the name of my guide.

I left the intuitive reading with a knowing that I am supported and a connection with my guide is natural. I definitely recommend Kelli for intuitive readings. She is truly gifted. - YS

Kelli McCray is a wonderful Life Coach. Her intuitive abilities combined with her truthful and compassionate soul made me feel very comfortable and her insight helped me through a rough patch in my life. I definitely plan to use her services again in the future - SE


Kelli McCray's Spiritual and Intuitive Life Coaching Sessions have guided me profoundly, with immense vision and wisdom through two of the most powerful and transformative years of my life. I completed my 2nd Masters from one of the top universities in the US, cared for my mother through her transition, left my position of 6 years, started a company and moved out of the United States to create a new life in another country... As my life moves, grows and changes, as I come to know and trust in my divine and highest path, Kelli McCray's Life Coaching Sessions have been profound, filled with insight and invaluable in helping me to know myself deeply, see my path clearly and follow it with the greatest confidence, the least worry and on to many unexpected blessings ! Thank You, Kelli ! - MS

Kelli McCray was not only professional through her graceful mannerism, sincerity and love...she provided me with invaluable divine insight on relationships, purpose and spiritual gifts. My session was laden with truth, clarity & guidance. I encourage any and everyone to engage in healthy, insightful dialogue with Ms. McCray, her spiritual gifts are amazing, heaven sent and much needed. - FJ

My experience with Kelli was wonderful, full of insightful messages that awakened my heart to create more light for my dreams. Kelli makes you feel so comfortable in expressing your inner most thoughts and desires. She is surely a divine conduit of spiritual healing. I highly recommend you connect with this amazing soul.
Many Blessings to all, Dawn

I really enjoyed my session and I have already spread the news of how wonderful this experience was for me. I am always amazed at the gifts that God as placed upon his people, and you definitely have an awesome gift! I appreciate the time you took with me and how pleasant you were.  I felt like I have known you for years but never even met you.  You are a true woman of God and it was a joy to partake in this joyous experience! Thank you again for the wisdom and insight. - Tanya

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